KolAi Designer Version 2.0

With version 2.0, KolAi Designer is now a complete system for denim laser design, combining:

While our AI creates the main laser design in seconds, our automation and retouch tools help the laser designer make changes and perfect the design for development and production. One of our customers stated that KolAi Designer saves them 55 minutes for every hour of traditional work.

Check out this video, demonstrating all of KolAi’s features in action:

Artificial Intelligence

Create your base design in seconds

Our neural network has been trained with thousands of examples of good laser design so that, given any image of a target worn-in garment, it can create an excellent laser file in seconds.

Simply upload an image of your target garment, select the leg panel from the background, then click “Create Laser Design”:

1/4: Select Image (“AI Editor”)

2/4: Crop Leg Panel

3/4: Click “Create Laser Design”

4/4: Receive Laser Design in Seconds


Improve your design with the click of a button

In addition to the A.I., we also have automation tools that allow you to do things like enhance the texture of your design, make a second marking layer, or extract patterns with the click of a button.

For example:

1/2: Click “Enhance Texture”

2/2: Get Result

Manual Retouch

Perfect your design with all the tools you already know

Finally, we have included a suite of tools that give you all the functionality of Photoshop.

Dodge, burn, eraser, spot healing, clone stamp, warping just to name a few. Any tool you might need is included.

We have even included a collection of brushes that is especially useful for denim design.

And all of this comes for free with unlimited use once you have subscribed. Just click “Image Editor” from the main page and everything is at your fingertips.

1/3: Click “Image Editor”

2/3: Suite of Manual Retouch Tools

3/3: Brushes Specialized for Denim Design

Want to see more?

Check out our training videos to see the KoAi Designer in action.

Want to try it yourself?

Contact us today to discuss plans and pricing!

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